import*; import javax.vecmath.*; import*; import*; import*; import; /** * a solid wood shader */ public class SolidWood extends TurbulenceShader { public SolidWood( World world) { super(world); } public static Shader getInstance( World world, RMLReader in) throws IOException { SolidWood w = new SolidWood(world); w.readObject(in); return w; } /** * the shade routine. If you want more than the below, this is * the method to override. */ public void shade( Hit hit, Pixel p) { p.set(0, 0, 0, 1); base.set(hit.color()); // // role in the "wood" function // // step 1. calculate our factor. // float f; Point3f loc = new Point3f(hit.oP()); this.toShaderSpace(loc); f = (float)Math.sqrt(loc.x * loc.x + loc.y * loc.y); f += percentageTurbulence * generator.getNoise(loc); f = Util.triWave(f); f = clamp((1 + (f - squeeze) / (1 - squeeze)) / 2); // // step 2. mix in the blend color. // if (f > 0) { if (colorMap == null) { base.interpolate(blendColor, f * blend); } else { base.interpolate(colorMap.colorAt(f), f * blend); } } p.scaledAdd(base, ambientContribution(world)); LightDataList contribs = hit.visibleLights(world); p.scaledAdd(base, diffuse, diffuseContribution(contribs, hit)); if (isSpecular()) { p.scaledAdd(specular, specularContribution(contribs, hit, roughness)); } contribs.dispose(); if (hit.level() >= maxLevel) { p.scale(alpha); return; } if (reflectionRoughness != 0) { hit.perturbN(reflectionRoughness); } // // fire off a reflection ray (if necessary). // if (isReflecting()) { Ray ir = hit.reflectedRay(); Pixel pix = new Pixel(); ir.trace(world, pix); p.scaledAdd(reflectance, pix); ir.dispose(); } p.scale(alpha); } }