Latest version (Beta 06)
- Sources, class files, JavaDoc and some examples.
- Browse the source tree.
Note: the tar file was created with GNU tar, some versions of Solaris
tar will have trouble with it.
CVS Snapshot
The CVS snapshot is the current "bleeding edge" version.
- Anonymous CVS Access
This project's CVS repository can be
checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the
following instruction set. When prompted
for a password for anonymous, simply press the
Enter key. Just type the following commands:
- cvs login
- cvs -z3 co .
- Developer CVS Access via SSH
Only project developers can access the CVS tree via
this method. SSH must be installed on your client
machine. Substitute
developername with the proper values. Enter
your site password when prompted.
- export CVS_RSH=ssh
- cvs -z3 co .
All Versions
- SourceForge Project Files List.
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